Current mood: Relaxed, content.
What did I do this weekend? I relaxed and did homework. I did get a nice drive into town though, and I got some great deals on a couple of things that I was shopping for. We had really nice weather on Saturday too! All in all, it was a nice, relaxing weekend.
What's planned for this week? Rehearsals, work, a couple of extra curriculars, and then I have a paper due this Wednesday too. Busy as always!
What am I looking forward to? GLEE!! It premieres on Thursday!!!! I love watching that show!
What am I dreading? That paper due on Wednesday. It's my first paper for this class, and if you make more than 2 grammatical errors, you get an automatic F. Yeah, it's legit. Hopefully, I can get a good grade on it!
Have a happy Monday!
Picture from here.
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